Friday, August 29, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Dry Flaky Forehead And Nose

The Comfer Continental revives and acts against

In what seems another page of a new chapter of the novel of the fight with the media, albeit selectively.
In this news magazine, is a curious absence of Cordoba media notes on Continental radios and operate other various frequencies, including Channel 3, in addition to the original license FM 100.5 operates other 2 frequencies in Cordoba , one just for the duplication of the AM on FM and one for Radio Popular.
Recall that initially the government had had a series of "deference" to the Prisa Group, the most powerful in Spain, in an audience with then President Kirchner announced its intention to invest in radio and invited him to edit a daily in the country. I remember
privileged to have witnessed a conference at the Casa de America in 2004 that gave the then Senator Cristina Kirchner in Madrid, with Felipe González and Juan Luis Cebrian, lead manager of the group and first editor of El Pais, which was in the front row, the founder and Group President, Jesús De Polanco, something quite unusual and a sign that the management longevity and then reserved only for very special occasions.
I have the impression that things were then eroded by various disagreements as the "contest" which won Pergolini by as often as they fought back and forth looking forward ... and now we learn they had to buy from him now.

suspect a hidden sale of investigating the Government FM (Profile)

radio mute, editorial reviews Fontevecchia (Profile)

reproduced FM programming AM (La Voz del Interior)

ORDER OF THE OPPOSITION REPORTS follows the controversy between the Government and Radio Continental (Clarín)

After Continental, the other is Comfer AM that broadcast their programs (Profile)

Editorial La Nacion The Comfer against free expression (The Nation)
The owner, Gabriel Mariotto , said the government would not back the measure ( The Nation)

Radio Network Continental
Pictured: K Nestor and Magdalena Ruiz Guinazu in an interview with Continental

Friday, August 22, 2008

What To Do When My Dog's Tongue Is Dark Red

Prisa Group Meeting concerning Search Engine Marketing with Google and Yahoo online journalism resources

Interesting presentations made today, the two most important benchmarks for Marketing and Advertising Search Engine, in precisely the two major search engines .... Google and Yahoo. In a sober and detailed presentation of Nicholas Forster (Performance Advertising Manager of Yahoo Argentina) to the new look & fill company, followed Diego Antista (Sales Manager for Latin America Google ) with a dynamic, agile and fun that included a key final video parody of the brief "history" of Google after a tour of some little-known tools for the general public as Google Trends and even more other appointed by this author that earned him the recognition of the speaker.
The meeting organized by Studio Innova Juan Manuel Lucero and Media 8 , its regional head represensatado, Jonatan Zinger, the respective professionals and agencies that provide among others, this type of service, was held in a hall of UBP headquarters facility that was quite small for the call that prompted a meeting of this importance, which rarely occurs in Córdoba and the interior the country. It would be interesting to adopt the European formulas of these seminars and work shops in the professional world and academia intersect very productive, most diverse panels and a wider public alike. The media partner of the moment was PaP although it was also competition.
The large absent from the conference: the old advertising agencies as some of the old media not to understand or learn that the world is not to come, as the medium and large advertisers who also conspicuous by their asuencia ... by that the numbers for now discouraging the participation of Internet advertising (213,500,000) in total advertising investment in Argentina this year estimated at 7,600 million at least, is a reflection of that context, but everything comes and there will thus enhance the reality of the United Kingdom get to these plains, where the Internet has been constituted and consolidated as the main portion of the British advertising pie.
healthy is also the first "shy" I find that in successive re-releases will expand on call, issues, public and all those involved crossings, almost like those 200 variables that influence the time of SEO (organic or sponsored.)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lightweight Ironing Boards

Here is a list full resources Digital Journalism Course and Web Content Gesión that developed in the ECI - Universidad Nac Cordoba (Ar.), which consists of some of the tools and most popular applications, sites and reference value of diversity, guides, directories and materials refers to both journalists and communicators as developers, computer programmers, designers and scholars or teachers who may be interested in the subject. In addition to the list of Further reading, resources and suggested readings in our new blog Argentina Media Lab as Media & Communications and suggested content on YouTube in the playlist of the course. It suggests and invites to add more resources, as the list is by no means exhaustive.

search engines, directories and aggregators blogs

Cordoba patent Blogs Cordoba Weblogs Cordósfera BlogPulse Blogsearch (English) Blogsearch (English) editorsweblog PubSub Talk Digger Rollyo Swicki Agregax English blogs search Blogs and channels Linkloo Technorati Search Wiki news posts in Castilian or English languages \u200b\u200b

Create Free Blogs
Blogger Shaker

South Wikinews
JotSpot PBwiki Seedwiki Wiki Mailxmail Wikia Wikispaces XWiki Wiki news posts in Castilian

socials Bookmarks and Favorites

Fresqui Digg Neodiario Enchílame BlinkList iFavoritos Feedmarker Furl Jots Lookmarks Ma.gnolia My Web Scutle Spurl Book Kit Browsr ClipMarks Delicious Diigo Kaboodle My Tickler File Rollyo Swicki Wink


Feed2Podcast - Convert audio text
Odeo - to listen online blogs
Podsonoro - Find and listen to English-language blogs

Photo and Video
PhotoBlog 23 - Flickr clone FlickrCash - flickr images search Photo Mundo (in English) Free Photo (French) Photos Gratuites (French) Boltfolio - sharing videos and photos BubbleShare - share photos online Grouper - Video sharing Panoramio - Photos geolocated Picaboo - Photo Sharing Retrievr - search by color between flickr Riya - Face Recognition technology Slide - share photos between a group Flodeo - Create a free photoblog Phixr - Photo Editor online in English Slidez - Create and organize album Picli - photos of the world to vote VoiceThread - photos with your voice Yashoot - photo sharing webshots - photo sharing Twango - Share audio, video and photos with space unlimited BattleOut - War photographs PicturePush - Share and edit your photos and videos online PhotoZou - Share photos, write journals and send mails Photobucket - Create, share and link photos and videos Pickle - Share photos and videos on the Internet using the mail MixerCast - Create multimedia artwork Faces - how share digital life

Eskobar Favoor Google Ajax Live Netvibes Pageflakes Protopage Zoozio

OTHER (resources interesting and curious)
Google Scholar Google Maps night Ecoogler (google green) Google (black screen energy saving) AltaVista AOL seekers search Clusty Factbites FindForward FindSounds Gigablast Google Print Wikimania HighBeam History Index.AR Infoleg Infoplease LibroBot Linkodromo Looksmart Monograficos RIP Phrasea Search Engine Showdown Soople TAP Teoma Turbo10 URLinfo Vivisimo WiseNut A9 open search AllTheWeb RAE Dictionary Wiki Criminal Procedure Code AjaxTrans - A language translator ajax Argentina in the NYTimes Latam Reuters AFP in English Cordoba Indymedia Resource Guide - School Com Navarra (Spain) Adira Resource Guide web 2.0 (In Attensa, Firefox Delicious and ColorBlend - color palette on-line COLOURlovers - Color Trends + Palettes Hispanic Brands Tags Hispashare (catalog available for download e-mule movies)

Communication Sites

hologramatic - Revista Academica Razon y Palabra - Revista Academica Observatory Cybersociety Magazine Latina de Comunicacion InfoAmericas Press Periodistas 21 Pulse RedCom

the Editor: contact

Podes connect to my content on Digg selected, or elected resources, or directly to me on facebook .

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Image Propaganda Card Stucking Image

List Bibliography some suggested reading, resources and reference materials

Here is a list of supplementary literature Digital Journalism Course and Web Content Gesión that developed in the ECI - Nac Cordoba University (Ar.), which consists of some recommended items, suggested readings, materials refers to both journalists and communicators as developers, administrators, designers and scholars or teachers who can intereresarse in the field. In a future post is a list of resources and tools specially prepared.

Blood, Rebecca, Universe weblog. Tips for creating and maintaining your blog , Gestión2000, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2005 (English version of the manual 2002).
Cebrián Herreros, Mariano and Jesus Flores Vivar (eds.), Blogs and Web journalism , Fragua, Madrid, 2007.
Cerezo, José M. (Ed.), The Hispanic Blogosphere: pioneers of the digital culture , Fondation France Telecom Spain, Madrid, 2006.
Vivar Flores, Jesus (ed.), Blogalaxia and Web journalism. analysis and reflection studies, Fragua, Madrid, 2008. Frascaroli
Manuel (2005), " promoting the use of certain tools in a Digital Journal: Interactivity for " Reason and Word N ° 45, June-July 2005. Mexico. Scientific and academic journal. Frascaroli
Manuel (2006), " The phenomenon of Weblogs: some implications for the digital editions of newspapers " hologramatic, Year III, Issue 4, V1 (2006). Academic and scientific journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences - UNLZ.
Frascaroli Manuel (2008), "The new formats news from blogs or to a redefinition of what was known primarily for weblogs?. Blogs news, features and relation to the media space. " Reason and Word No. 62, May-June 2008. Mexico. Scientific and academic journal.
Jiménez Cano, Rosa and Francisco Polo (eds.), The great guide of blogs 2008 , ElCobre Ediciones, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2007.
Orihuela, José Luis, The blogging revolution. When the logs have become the media of people , The Sphere Books, Madrid, 2006.
Rojas, Octavio, Julio Alonso, José Luis Antúnez, José Luis Orihuela and Juan Varela, Blogs. The conversation on the Internet is revolutionizing media, businesses and citizens , ESIC, Madrid, 2005 (2nd. ed., 2007).
Celaya, Javier and Pablo Herrera, Blogs in business communication in Spain: recent trends , BPMO Publishing Group, 2006.
VV.AA., Blogs, weblogs, blogs ... , Central Notebook Revista Telos, Madrid, November 2005.
Winther, Jens and Jesper Balslew, Weblogs, PC Notebooks, May 2004. Digital Editions

Cambronero, Antonio (ed.), BlogGuest: The best collection of posts written for Blogpocket, Madrid, May 2003 ( PDF / ZIP ).
Cambronero, Antonio (ed.), Weblog Magazine, No. 0, April 2004.
Islas, Octavio (ed.), Monograph on weblogs , Dialogues of the notice, no. 76, January-April 2008.
Orihuela, José Luis, Blogonomía, Suite Infonomía Pre-texts, October 2005 (PDF ).
Ramirez, Raul (ed.), Weblog Magazine, no.: 1 September 2004.
VV.AA., Spain Manifesto Blog, Blog Event Spain, January 25, 2007. José Orihuela
Luis, "media people" , Reason and Word, No. 46, August-September 2005.
"Weblogs: from revolution to consolidation" , Chasqui, No. 85, March 2004.
"Weblogs: the medium and the message" , Our Time, No 601-602, July-August 2004
"The revolution of weblogs", Perspectives of World of Communication, No. 26, January-February 2005 (PDF ).

Web 2.0 and social networking
Fumero, Antonio and Genis Roca, Web 2.0, Fundación Orange, 2007 (PDF ).
Bankinter Foundation of Innovation, Web 2.0. The Business of Social Networks (PDF ). Web 2.0: The Business of Social Networks
Tim O'Reilly WHAT IS WEB 2.0. Design Patterns and Business Models original article accessible on the web O'Reilly Network. José M.
Cherry: Web 2.0: Internet and beyond Cristobal Cobo Romani
and Hugo Pardo Kuklinski: Planeta Web 2.0. Collective intelligence means fast food or
Joseph A. Moral: The media are fully within the Web 2.0
José Luis Orihuela: Web 2.0: The community is the message (PDF ) and media people
Francis Pisani: Newspapers in Web 2.0 when
Alejandro Piscitelli: Why Web 2.0 will never become the Media 2.0
Juan Varela: Journalism and the socialization of information
A list blogs in Castilian, Personal Computer & Internet , July 2007.

More articles (find links)
Aladi, (2003), "The Digital Divide and its Impact on ALADI Member Countries." Document ALADI / SEC / Estudio 157, July 2003,

Mastrini Becerra (2002), "The Information Society in Argentina: a political economic perspective", Proceedings of the VI Researchers at National Conference on Communication, National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina. October 2002.
Cantalapiedra, Maria Jose, (2004), "A simple transposition? Journalistic genres on the Web", in Telos, No. 59 Second Time.

José Cervera (2006), "A general theory of the blog" in VVAA, "The English-speaking blogosphere: a pioneer of digital culture ", Fondation France Telecom Spain, Madrid.

ECLAC (2003), "The path towards the information society in Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations, July 2003

Flores Vivar, J., Aguado, G., (2004) "Business strategies in online journalism, II Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Journalism. November 2004.

Frascaroli, Manuel (2002), "The Information Society and the future of newspapers on the Internet: towards the establishment of the characteristics as a means", Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, La Laguna (Tenerife - Spain), March 2002 - Year 5 - No. 48.

Frascaroli, Manuel (2002), "The day before the challenges of a digital world: finding new revenue for their Web sites." Pulse, an electronic publication of International Press Center of Florida International University. USA.

Frascaroli, Manuel 2002, "The Information Society, the digital divide in the social and economic terms." School of Information Sciences. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fourth Congress Com Network. Cordoba, Argentina, 2002.
Frascaroli, Manuel (2002), "The future of newspapers Internet and trends in non-obvious. " Observatory of the Information Society Cba.Ar

Frascaroli Manuel (2002), "Minipagos vs. Users: web sites of newspapers. Payment access road, colliding with the expectation of users. " Closing Time magazine. Publication of the Inter American Press Association. Miami, USA.

Frascaroli Manuel (2003), "The economic problem of news websites on the Internet: advertising model to pay for content model?. Text of the Cyber \u200b\u200bMagazine (Spain).

Frascaroli, Manuel, 2003, "The Information Society in Cordoba: A reality that has not become. " Communicate-info.

Frascaroli, Manuel, 2003, "The images as part of multimedia language newspapers on the Internet", Journal Publimedia, Year 2, Number 11, January 2003.

Frascaroli Manuel (2004), "Communication and digitization. New social paradigms against certain practices of interactive online media." "II International Congress Observatory found for the E-Society: Culture & Politics @ Cyberspace." Cybersociety Observatory. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, 2004.

Frascaroli Manuel (2005), IX National Conference Researchers in Communication, National Research Network. "The multimedia journalist. Challenges for the communicator in the Information Society. " Academic Pedagogical Institute of Social Sciences, National University of Villa Maria. Villa María, Córdoba. Argentina. September 2005.

Frascaroli Manuel (2006), I International Congress of Blogs and Journalism on the Web, "The impact of weblogs on the digital editions of newspapers, their characteristics and possibilities for digital journalism, Faculty of Science Information Universidad Complutense de Madrid, April 2006. Orosa

García, B., Capon Garcia, J., (2004), "The logs or weblogs and the logic of the information field. A comparative analysis with traditional media agenda," Studies on the Post Newspaper, October 2004.

Ainara Larrondo Ureta (2005), "Presence of weblog format in online media:
an approach to its uses and functions," Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 60, II era, from July to December 2005, La Laguna ( Tenerife)

Prospero Morán López (2006), "A Critical Approach to the Consideration of Journalism Weblog as Genre," Reason and Word, No. 48, December 2005 - January 2006.

David Parra Valcarce (2006), "The diary: participation, transformation and consolidation infoxication" Reason and Word, No. 49, February-March 2006.

Fernando Sáez Vacas (2005), "The blogosphere: a strong subspace of Internet communication", in Telos, No. 64 Second Time, July-September 2005.

Diego Sanchez Fernandez de la Riva, M., and Serrano Maillo, Ma I., (2004), "Internet journalism a new factor today," II Latin American Congress of Digital Journalism. November 2004.

Stauffer, Todd, (2002), "Blog On: Building Online Communities with Web Logs ", McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.

Juan Varela (2005), "online newspapers of opinion," Cuadernos ofchildren. Madrid Journalists Association. December 2005. Madrid.

Juan Varela (2005), "Blogs vs. MSM. Journalism 3.0, the socialization of information ", in Telos No. 65 Second Time.

Juan Varela (2006), "The media take on blogs" in VVAA, "The Hispanic Blogosphere: pioneers of the digital culture", Fondation France Telecom Spain, Madrid.

Post and articles (not academic) interesting and useful
credibility of the need to publish
Citing sources of information when public
Why not dating your sources? Link
is important
Guide comment on weblogs (Original: Lifehacker's Guide to weblogs comments )
Tips novice bloggers I have my blog ... So now what?
Legal Guide for Bloggers The cool end of the age of Google
skeptical of Twitter for public
technical convergence between and culture of convergence
Social Networking
Goodbye, Facebook
site design and development
Things not to do when building a web site
CSS Tips for Developing Web 2.0
how-to design guide
10 Useful CSS tricks to conquer the world
Web 2.0 for Designers
Save the Pixel - The Art of Simple Web Design

The Arcade Fire: Be Online B
Web 2.0 Design Style Guide in PDF
Web 2.0 Design Guide and the Current Style summary article
10 best-designed web sites in the world
How to design Web2.0 style web pages
Best of the Best Web 2.0 Web Sites - The complete Web 2.0 directory
Guía de Recursos de la web 2.0 (En
The Social Software Weblog
Flickr tools collection
AdsML Consortium - Press & News

Monday, August 4, 2008

Where To Order Birthday Candle Sparklers

World of Blogs

were born, developed and multiplied

Information Technologies and Communication ( ICT) have allowed the development of computer-mediated communication systems, whose exponent is the Internet paradigm, which has been defined as "network of networks." This has been unpacked and installed in various aspects of daily life of men, so poses challenges to practices and values considered established and legitimized.

Internet, as has happened with traditional media, as you consolidate produces changes in lifestyle, in shaping public opinion and policy. In this large network of networks have emerged blogs. Considered personal and known as web logs are regularly updated virtual space in which readers can write their comments and the author to answer them.
In Argentina, this new category of virtual content is increasing in number and variety. With or nonprofit, made by one or more people, some text-only, others include audio and images. There is an infinite range of styles presented.

In Córdoba became fashionable in the late 2005 although the first recorded in 2003. The expansion was such that it became necessary to create directories grouped thematically to each of the logs.

For example, Cordoba Weblogs defined itself as a shared community and focuses Cordoba sites varied. In parallel, Graphics Media implemented its online editions. "Nobody wants to run out of cake," he said about it, Sergio Carreras, journalist La Voz Del Interior .

A new way of seeing reality

Today the city has at its disposal another channel of communication, the blog.
The blogosphere has been a source not only of testimony in the midst of disasters, wars and terrorist attacks. Also parallel and critical information to traditional media.

For example, when the March 20, 2003 the U.S. invaded Iraq
blogs first came to compete with the major media. The people suspected that traditional media companies hid the truth or manipulated so used this tool to show the event from their perspective and their own resources.

In Argentina, as in the rest of the world, blogs added presence in front of a critical situation: the problem-government field. On March 26, 2008, after the speech of the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, hundreds of people came with their pots to protest against. After announcing it would not negotiate with farmers and making firm its position that its policy will not yield, not only in the streets they heard voices of disagreement but the site also became another means to express.

This position was reflected in various blogs, especially those belonging to the field or who are in favor of it. For example, the website,
Paro Agropecuario, belongs to the Rural Society of Trenque Launquen used his blog to show with pictures what was the street protests.

Las nuevas tecnologías pusieron en la mano del hombre diferentes herramientas con mayores alcances y facilidades de acceso. Los comentarios en los blogs, las cadenas de e-mails, mensajes de texto, están formando la expresión de una ciudadanía que se siente abandonada por los medios tradicionales, en donde no hay lugar para todas esas voces.

Los monitores sustituyen en cierta manera el escenario de la antigua plaza pública donde se reunían todos los ciudadanos a debatir las diferentes temáticas. Ahora es posible producir el mismo efecto que una protesta callejera sin la necesidad del contacto cara a cara, ni de salir al encuentro, solo por medio de un blog.

Frente a la problemática between country and government, the newspaper
Profile entitled "After the string of SMS, rural harangue in his protest against the Government through a blog.

Looking forward
Economics Paper, space and time are the attributes that stand out from the Internet. Tradition, respect and credibility are attributed to regular paper. However the online press seeks his revenge alluding be the star of the future. "Shine in that scenario?

In a country where only a minority have access to the media that the World Wide Web (WWW) offers. In what is still a long way to go in education and professionalization, it will be difficult to pay an entry to such a spectacle. In countries like ours currently requires two communication media: paper and digital.

only way public information is distributed more democratically. Digital technology allows us to be observers and critics of a global outlook. Then there is the freedom that we access as a means of expression personal.Por its part, the traditional newspaper must retain the exclusive role of analysis and interpretation of the story, as the Red immerses us in the risk of a barrage of facts and opinions. Often from sources not entirely reliable.

Today these two media coexist, offering perhaps the same information from different treatments. For this reason, and hardly cover the needs imposed one above the other. Respond to particular demands and offer diferentes.El man is going through a global world without distance or time. For future generations will be as essential instantaneity as reasoning.
Finally, I leave this interview with Roberto Guareschi, former editor of Clarín and Miguel Wiñazky

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pinewood Derby Car Tech Deck

media as promoters of violence? Infecting

The violent incidents have been installed so overwhelming in educational institutions in recent times. While school violence is a troubling problem for many years, the phenomenon has been exacerbated by factors.

Historically, there have been violent acts have not always been judged as such. Are no strangers to old teaching methods which were used corporal punishment and verbal or psychological abuse.

However, with the emergence of associations that defend human rights, these methods were not only obsolete but have been strongly questioned and punished.


changes are being noticed since the late twentieth century. However, what is new is the phenomenon that is beginning to occur with the advent of new technologies to the whole society.

It is known from recent years some of these new technologies are easily accessible and within reach of any social sector. The clearest example is that of the cell, gadget present in any pocket, purse or hand of every person.

The complement of mobile phones is Internet, a tool that also has a relatively accessible simple, and has a fundamental power in this matter.

Currently, many cases of school violence occur with the specific goal of being mediated. Episode is exemplary in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, in which second-year students burned her hair to her English teacher, while filming with a cell phone everything that happened.

Here it is clear that the primary purpose of this is simply publication of the video, to show what is being done. Mara

Brawer, a specialist on the subject, in an interview with the newspaper Clarín takes analysis saying "this level of violence is clearly new. If, before going on was a marginal event, led by someone with a disease. Today is also a fact marginal, not massive, but the protagonists are children who are integrated in their schooling. And this is the phenomenon that we must deepen ".


From all this, the specialists in the field describe this phenomenon called cyberbullying , a behavior with verbal abuse, rejection, psychological intimidation and physical attacks, which cross the border physical and are located in virtual space the Web.

As mentioned, this new form of aggression is carried out by photographing and filming (usually via cell phones) scenes of violence within the school.

specialists understand that this phenomenon has a double entry. For one thing, is it the role that the media give to school violence. From this, teenagers feel the need to be part of that broadcast. The Web 2.0 through tools like blogs and fotologs or which permit the modification of information and publishing their own content, the Internet is the ideal place to find the boys to join the media world.

The second reading of this phenomenon has a more profound orientation. Professionals understand that the children filled through the use of technological means, the empty space left by the disintegrating social bonds. As a result, the character of the boys is affected: they tend to isolation, irritability, and have selfish attitudes.

Mary Ellen Lamb, head of the department of Developmental Psychology Childhood in School of Psychology at the University National of Cordoba, explained to La Voz del Interior : "The founding links that should favor the contact, the connection face to face, caresses and words are replaced by different electronic mediators, non-human, from cradle, from the sound amplifier to TV, cell phone and Internet connection. "

Clearly, it is necessary to adopt a joint policy that involves all stakeholders affected by the problem. Neither teachers nor parents or authorities have sufficient knowledge to address the conflict. Will require new measures to that this conflict will diminish rather than increase day by day.