Web 2.0 and social networking Fumero, Antonio and Genis Roca, Web 2.0, Fundación Orange, 2007 (PDF
Bankinter Foundation of Innovation, Web 2.0. The Business of Social Networks (PDF
Web 2.0: The Business of Social Networks Tim O'Reilly
WHAT IS WEB 2.0. Design Patterns and Business Models original article accessible on the web
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Web 2.0: Internet and beyond Cristobal Cobo Romani and Hugo Pardo Kuklinski:
Planeta Web 2.0. Collective intelligence means fast food or Joseph A. Moral:
The media are fully within the Web 2.0 José Luis Orihuela: Web 2.0: The community is the message (PDF
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Why Web 2.0 will never become the Media 2.0 Juan Varela:
Journalism and the socialization of information A list blogs in Castilian, Personal Computer & Internet
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http://www.aladi.org/ Mastrini Becerra (2002), "The Information Society in Argentina: a political economic perspective", Proceedings of the VI Researchers at National Conference on Communication, National University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina. October 2002.
Cantalapiedra, Maria Jose, (2004), "A simple transposition? Journalistic genres on the Web", in Telos, No. 59 Second Time.
José Cervera (2006), "A general theory of the blog" in VVAA, "The English-speaking blogosphere: a pioneer of digital culture ", Fondation France Telecom Spain, Madrid.
ECLAC (2003), "The path towards the information society in Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations, July 2003
Flores Vivar, J., Aguado, G., (2004) "Business strategies in online journalism, II Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Journalism. November 2004.
Frascaroli, Manuel (2002), "The Information Society and the future of newspapers on the Internet: towards the establishment of the characteristics as a means", Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, La Laguna (Tenerife - Spain), March 2002 - Year 5 - No. 48.
Frascaroli, Manuel (2002), "The day before the challenges of a digital world: finding new revenue for their Web sites." Pulse, an electronic publication of International Press Center of Florida International University. USA.
Frascaroli, Manuel 2002, "The Information Society, the digital divide in the social and economic terms." School of Information Sciences. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Fourth Congress Com Network. Cordoba, Argentina, 2002.
Frascaroli, Manuel (2002), "The future of newspapers Internet and trends in non-obvious. " Observatory of the Information Society Cba.Ar
Frascaroli Manuel (2002), "Minipagos vs. Users: web sites of newspapers. Payment access road, colliding with the expectation of users. " Closing Time magazine. Publication of the Inter American Press Association. Miami, USA.
Frascaroli Manuel (2003), "The economic problem of news websites on the Internet: advertising model to pay for content model?. Text of the Cyber \u200b\u200bMagazine (Spain).
Frascaroli, Manuel, 2003, "The Information Society in Cordoba: A reality that has not become. " Communicate-info.
Frascaroli, Manuel, 2003, "The images as part of multimedia language newspapers on the Internet", Journal Publimedia, Year 2, Number 11, January 2003.
Frascaroli Manuel (2004), "Communication and digitization. New social paradigms against certain practices of interactive online media." "II International Congress Observatory found for the E-Society: Culture & Politics @ Cyberspace." Cybersociety Observatory. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, 2004.
Frascaroli Manuel (2005), IX National Conference Researchers in Communication, National Research Network. "The multimedia journalist. Challenges for the communicator in the Information Society. " Academic Pedagogical Institute of Social Sciences, National University of Villa Maria. Villa María, Córdoba. Argentina. September 2005.
Frascaroli Manuel (2006), I International Congress of Blogs and Journalism on the Web, "The impact of weblogs on the digital editions of newspapers, their characteristics and possibilities for digital journalism, Faculty of Science Information Universidad Complutense de Madrid, April 2006. Orosa
García, B., Capon Garcia, J., (2004), "The logs or weblogs and the logic of the information field. A comparative analysis with traditional media agenda," Studies on the Post Newspaper, October 2004.
Ainara Larrondo Ureta (2005), "Presence of weblog format in online media:
an approach to its uses and functions," Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 60, II era, from July to December 2005, La Laguna ( Tenerife)
Prospero Morán López (2006), "A Critical Approach to the Consideration of Journalism Weblog as Genre," Reason and Word, No. 48, December 2005 - January 2006.
David Parra Valcarce (2006), "The diary: participation, transformation and consolidation infoxication" Reason and Word, No. 49, February-March 2006.
Fernando Sáez Vacas (2005), "The blogosphere: a strong subspace of Internet communication", in Telos, No. 64 Second Time, July-September 2005.
Diego Sanchez Fernandez de la Riva, M., and Serrano Maillo, Ma I., (2004), "Internet journalism a new factor today," II Latin American Congress of Digital Journalism. November 2004.
Stauffer, Todd, (2002), "Blog On: Building Online Communities with Web Logs ", McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.
Juan Varela (2005), "online newspapers of opinion," Cuadernos ofchildren. Madrid Journalists Association. December 2005. Madrid.
Juan Varela (2005), "Blogs vs. MSM. Journalism 3.0, the socialization of information ", in Telos No. 65 Second Time.
Juan Varela (2006), "The media take on blogs" in VVAA, "The Hispanic Blogosphere: pioneers of the digital culture", Fondation France Telecom Spain, Madrid.