Introduction. June 2, 2007 Log derivative and complementary to the
Juan Henrique (John H.) White
West Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, November 18, 1844
Medellín, Colombia, 1925 ---
copy of a certificate of registration of birth
(Click on images to enlarge them and make them readable . Click on "Back" on the toolbar to return here) ----
fragment. Above right is John Henry
Full Tree: Coven No. 7 (June 2, 2007. 4:32 a.m.) ---
--- JOHN H. WHITE with his wife Rita URIBE URIBE (1848-1938)
and his 12 children, 8 males and 4 females:
Enrique, Jorge, Julián, Alfredo, William, Gustavo, Ernesto and Bernardo. The women are Helen, Teresa, Irene, and Mercedes.
Mina El Cerro, 1898. Photo: Meliton Rodriguez.
File: Velez White (grandchildren)
Taken from the book "Musinga" (May 2007) of Mercedes Lucia Velez White . P. 93.
About "Musinga", see: Coven No. 5 .
This same photograph appears in the book
"Tomás Uribe Uribe" of Maria Eugenia Dominguez (December, 2006). P. 121
About this book see: Coven No. 4
From: Maruja Vieira
White Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 1:23 pm
To: Gabriel Ruiz A. WHITE TERTULIA
Subject: RE: The picture of the White
Dear Gabriel:
Indeed, I have an original that photo , quite obscured by time and make copies for you. At the moment I can inform you that:
was taken in the mine of El Cerro in 1898, possibly by Meliton Rodriguez. Are John Henry White, White Rita Uribe and his twelve children, eight men and four women, who are Enrique, Jorge, Julián, Alfredo, William, Gustavo, Ernesto and Bernardo. The women are Helena, Teresa, Irene, and Mercedes (my mom).
The majority of women, which is next to the dad, is Helena, the little girl who is at your feet is my mother. Sitting, left, is Irene (your grandmother) and next to "Mamma Rita" is Teresa.
The three men who are together are Enrique, Jorge and Julian, the three largest. The man behind Irene is Gustavo. From then on, I'll take head. The youngest son is Bernardo. I try to remember the ages of others, for complete information. Meanwhile
, receive lots of love and hugs Molly
A painting --- old Cowes on the Isle of Wight
Taken from the book's cover
"Cowes, The jewel of the solent. And historical account of Cowes, Isle og Weight. "
Compiled by John Groves.
thank Mr. Peter Long for this information.
caravel beautiful painting that appears in the pedigree
View: Coven No. 7 (June 2, 2007 4. : 32 AM)
By Maruja Vieira
From John Henry White,
student at Oxford,
to Don Juan Enrique, founder of Dabeiba
growing geography of names and dreams
where a native tree gives its clear timber and earth
American carries its most perfect
to save the trace
love of a stranger.
* Born in Cowes, Isle of Wight, Great Britain.
arrived in Colombia to build roads and establish villages.
left its mark on the Road to the Sea, in the Urabá
Antioquia and in us, their grandchildren, who inherited his love for the land
adoptive and quixotic idealism. (P. 18)
---- From the book: "The names of absence" Maruja Vieira White. Ed
San Libraries. March, 2006. Page 17 to 19.
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By Maruja Vieira *
The novel Dabeiba "Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazábal forces me to talk about the real founder of that town. His name was John Henry White. My grandfather, a white beard, a little haughty gesture, expression, sweet with a tender light in the back of the eyes that were clear and green. My British grandfather, a student at Oxford, mining in Antioquia, eternal dreamer of the sea.
His name soon became Castilian syllables so they could pronounce it in this land where the love of a woman tied up his eternal sleep ships. His name still resonates in the midst of what he saw as a vast wilderness of rivers and forests.
Beyond the tall trees, Juan Enrique White envisioned and drew with pulse insurance engineer, the road to the sea. "He was returning to his island sea shipbuilding? Were you looking for the mirage of its Isle of Wight, shrouded in mist, beyond the English Channel, off the coast of England?
bequeathed to their children as single inheritance, the excited hope that years after his death, relatives lit in the evening the names of the remote regions of western Antioquia, today through Mar.
Road to
bequeathed to their children and grandchildren love a concern for the fate of that region of the country, where he walked, his beard of snow, his eyes clear and engineering instruments, founding towns, discovering springs of civilization, life by joining , at once simple and mysterious indigenous communities Urabá. Generations of sailors
flowed in their veins. Thomas White, boat builder, born in Broadstairs, Isle of Thanet in Kent County in 1560, he moved to the island deWight at the end of the fourteenth century.
The White island were the boat builders, and it is known that their vessels were built shipyards faced the Armada and from them came the first steamer that touched Colombian coasts.
When opened in 1954, Ocean Road, only one of the sons of Don Juan Enrique, Gustavo Uribe White, founder of Mutatá, was to witness the realization of what at first seemed to all a dream.
But English and their children, with unwavering determination, helped keep this project alive. Sons, many of them engineers, some died prematurely burdened with the harsh climates of the areas explored. All with the same emotional distress, with the fever of the road, bridge, rail, road. All White Uribe (Henry, Gustavo, Jorge, Bernardo, Julian, Ernesto, Alfredo, William) inherited the desire to build roads that unite, to communicate to men, the desire and ability to deliver power to all that could open gaps in the current progress country.
We, the legion of grandchildren of Don Juan Enrique, learned the history of the road, confused with faint lines and fantastic children's stories. When we realized, this made all wherever we met at that time, remember his grandfather. Perhaps the river threatened Dabeiba and raised Gardeazábal Alvarez's novel, will be covered in dark waves written words in the stone of a monument: "From John Henry White, a student at Oxford, to Don Juan Enrique, founder of Dabeiba, grows names and geography of dreams where a native tree gives its clear timber and a land of America for its more implies perfect footprint to save the love of a stranger. "
Dabeiba founder's mandate was irrevocable (north of its destination) the salty breeze of the ports. Melting, in the light of the same dream, his love for the land which was endorsed and longing for the distant homeland and made the road today with Turbo refers to Medellin, the mountains to the waves.
* Received in the WHITE TERTULIA (TW) on: Friday, December 1, 2006 4:08 pm
+ + +
A born Antioquia
outside For Mr. Francisco Rodríguez Moya.
"Courier Liberal" of September 24, 1925.
Collaboration and document received from Alejo London Go < > husband of Liliana White Correa . May 27, 2007, WHITE TERTULIA (TW)
We just provide the lap of the Peace Juan Enrique White eternal, and the fresh mortar to seal the final silence, we had to write the title deserved the patrician, the founder of Antioquia. Because
was the only one of the founders of this organization strong and young, this restless heart of democracy is becoming more hopeful that little by little, despite the regressive tendencies that oppose it, the final lines of a people organized, and for over half a century of our history there was a day when she was not completely tied to that existence, nor was there a public issue which no dedicated or effective collaboration, or at least a vigilant and attentive study.
No I have never known another man like this so absorbed in the task of thinking about the conveniences of the community, to the point that it was impossible to converse with him short, short of addressing a topic of interest. If
always been true that the fate of the engineer is more closely linked than any other professional progress of the region in which they live, in Don Juan was the realization that most indisputable principle, because his desire for progress was not devotion rooted, but a total commitment.
first came in 1870, rail del Cauca. Then came to Antioch to the south, with his mother and siblings, from Cowes, his British homeland, and they all brought the strength of spirit and the old colonial power Britain, which allowed him to Don Juan root in our mountains and get their child for adoption, since consecrating a love and enthusiasm over the of a native. Regent
its inception the School of Arts, home of our School of Engineering, and in company with Mr. Hausler opened streets, built bridges, widened the city that was born and was one of our first municipal engineers.
collaborated in the administration of Mr. Recaredo de Villa, a consultant at the time when the railway was being planned Antioquia, and continued after the development step. He studied with Mr.
Shunck the Intercontinental Railroad. Raised levels of a large portion of the territory of Chocó. Built the road that now exists in the West, over which areas of work emerged as worthy as Frontino and Dabeiba.
worked for about 10 years in the Department's road network, with unparalleled tenacity, and there I had the honor to be your partner most of that time and I appreciate the true value of the capabilities of a brain full of facts and generous project in the midst of plans, maps, brochures of roads and railways, of everything, in short, que constituía el diseño de una
Antioquia futura, a la que él dedicaba todos, pero completamente todos los latidos de su gran corazón; hasta el día en que hubo gobernantes que juzgaron demasiado el sueldo de $ 120 que se nos pagaba a cada uno, y el viejo, después de haber entregado a su patria adoptiva dos tercios de su fecunda vida, se recogió a morir sin amargura, olvidado en el centro mismo del pueblo que había ayudado a crear.
Ahora duerme ya, integrará con su polvo el pueblo que amó mientras llega la mano justiciera de la posteridad a escribir sobre una amplia avenida, sobre una plaza alegre, sobre una obra cualquiera de progreso, las letras de su limpio nombre, porque por lo menos a esa compensation they are entitled, those who fight for others, as he struggled.
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Other texts on John H. White or linked with it:
1 .- Don Juan Enrique White. The man who "made" to Urabá.
By Alfonso Londoño Martínez. No. 2 June 1919. Academy Repertory History Antioquia. Founded in 1903,