Enterprise Management Communication / Journalism Business
The Extension Department School Information Science at UNC, reports that are open registration for the course: "Managing my own business of communication. Elements Management Business Management and Journalism : ie How can I manage my own magazine, producer, blog, etc., as an alternative work out? with international specialist reissues and updates this course taught last two years .
The course begins Wednesday October 7, last year's training instance, and directed to Journalists, Editors, Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs (self-employment), college graduates and computer communication students the last years of communication of all orientations (graphic, radio, tv, institutional), Cs of Information, Advertising, Marketing, Management, Cs. General social Movies / TV, Arts - Entertainment and professionals of these sectors to seek retrain or specialize to gain competitiveness in the m arket work or looking to generate their own source of work, especially given the alternatives offered by technologies and the constant shrinking newsrooms of traditional media for example.
This special instance of training is designed not only as an introduction to the basic guidelines of Directors and organization of newspaper companies, but also to provide the perspective to become editor online / offline as an own business for communicators and to have elements of analysis to solve the problem of how to manage their own magazine, producer (audiovisual or multimedia), corporate communications consultancy or develop a website, etc. as an alternative job prospects.
Does the production of multimedia, entertainment or news content on the web, can generate new or labor pportunities in the local context?. What guidelines should be considered for the leadership and management venture or a media company?. Are some questions that many professional journalists and will have today made an answer for this exceptional seminar.
So in the course will cover among others the following topics: Introduction to the Organization and Business Management Information (Print, Radio, TV and digital content and / or multimedia). The direction of journalism. Management and Marketing Strategies (Hearing, scheduling, production, marketing, image, positioning, etc.) Business models applicable media type. Corporate Policy and Human Resources. Local and global perspective market. The business models for news sites on the web. Management of an independent venture working as an alternative to a communicator.
The course is sponsored by Digital-Free Land in its 18th year, "will have to develop from Wednesday October 7, during this month at a weekly class at the School of Cs. Information. For information and registration until later in the day October 7, contact Extension Secretary of the ECI (historic building), the mail extension@eci.unc.edu.ar , or phone 433-4198 and 433-4160 / / 433-4161 int 109.
The course will be taught by Manuel Frascaroli , who received his doctorate in Organization and Management Briefing at the University Complutense of Madrid. Bachelor of Com. ECI-UNC Soc. Consultant, Editor and journalist, has also served as a university lecturer and director of Tierra Libre Digital and publisher network that includes Content Blogs Media & Communication and Media Lab Argentina among others. Has taught several courses and lectures as papers at conferences and symposiums in Argentina and Europe on Digital Journalism and newspaper companies, has published numerous articles on the topic scientific journals and the U.S., Europe and Latin America. Former Research Fellow Cordoba Science Agency (Ex Conicor). Founder of the Observatory for the Information Society in Argentina. Related
All enterprises: from the media and cultural industry technologies
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Resources These groups Facebook can share your experience in undertaking a
Graduates of the ECI / UNC
Beyond All - Tierra Libre Digital
Pre- confirm your attendance to the course in the "event" Entrepreneurs Facebook
Those journalists / reporters, web designers, developers or computer and SEOs or people with experience in web positioning wishing to join the network, which includes access to various training: or web content on startups that gives it its editor or obtain specific training or guidance may contact tierralibredigital (at) gmail com
How to support enterprises : agencies, employers, merchants and advertisers can generally inquire about advertising formats, trade agreements, sponsorships, etc. How to advertise consulting or also tierralibredigital mail (at) gmail com.
Photos click to enlarge: 1 - Entrepreneur Magazine ( File Invaders II), 2-An entrepreneur par excellence in media: Jorge Lanata ( argentonia ), 3 - Example: Russian Journal Max ( Earth Files Digital Freedom ), 4 - Example: Blog for corporate communications / corporate ( Files Free Digital Earth ).