Sunday, April 26, 2009

Coke Wallpaper Border

Press Freedom and the power relations. Disputes between groups

with power relations is quite complex and also inherently inseparable from the media system in any capitalist economy, which goes beyond editorial and is both attached to type Business Ethics for each group of himself. Basically in countries with weaker institutions or a diffuse boundary between politics and business and those who administer the public and private interests certain things get cloudier as typically has been happening in all developed countries, including Europe (south, obviously).
As it seems the farther south we go the worse it gets the thing ... Argentina has been at a disadvantage, so to speak and "carnal knowledge" is quite familiar.
But we will not delve here into a typical analysis political economy of media and freedom of the press / freedom of enterprise, which has already been sufficiently addressed by various theoretical and at the time and accurately, as the English Enrique Bustamante for example. The goal post after all is much more modest, just submit a press that white on black to make it more obvious what it is.
In a political context in turmoil and the elections in the near horizon movements have accelerated resulting in a series of rearrangements and taking positions, especially when discussing a change in legislation to regulate much of the media market. Thus one of our upcoming analysis, as we announced will be just the bill of audiovisual media services as it has been called. But as previous plate may be interesting to review those motions, taking positions, disputes and quarrels among market players and all that the media has chosen to publish the connection, and that is evident in the course of reading that suggests our magazine web press and respect, which like all reveals that each medium treatment given to the subject, but in this case has a curious "segmentation theme" Own themselves and not to cut this selection. To pay attention.
Our next entry will be broadcasting law already come forward and cases of direct and covert censorship. Until then, while visiting the other blogs on the network.
Press reviews and web
In 2009, reach new kirchneristas National Radio (Profile)
It faces a new radio-Kirchner edge in strategic co instead of dial. Is the AM 750, located between ten and Radio Mitre. The union is the driving force behind the consortium that has more chances. It is the last frequency to be tender. (Review) Victor
Sa nta Maria account details of the AM 750, the new radio Kirchner The unionist reveals how things are in the air and how much to invest. The government's relationship with the media. The official guidelines. (Profile)
The official cialist Szpolski bought radios and Aspen America (Profile)
Guillermo Moreno will participate in a program on Radio Belgrano. Minute gang in the air Anthony Moneta Novas, the new star K of the station, said the commerce secretary talk every week. (Critical)
Funds CGT and other pro-government, about Radio Rivadavia Moyano invest in the station (The Nation)
Electroingeniería Silence on the purchase of Radio del Plata and the expulsion of Nelson Castro. (La Voz del Interior) Remember that in an upcoming post will expand on the cases of censorship.
In an election year, the ruling buys more media. The employer Szpolski official Sergio (owner of "Twenty", "BAE" and "7 Days", Newsweek Arg, etc.) just bought the American radios (AM) and Aspen (FM), which belonged to the Mexican group CIE. In the operation disbursed $ 4 million. In addition, acquired 50% of the daily marplatense "The Atlantic." To do this, teamed with the owners of "Chronicle." In parallel, the Government reallocated 45 million pesos budget of the Environment to invest in advertising and gave a score of radio licenses. In just five years, the Kirchner spent more than a billion dollars in government advertising. (Profile)
Media more Kirchner is on Channel 9 wants to control fully. Again he put the tail on the Buenos Aires Herald. National Radio seeks to reactivate naming Enrique Vázquez. Radio Rivadavia calls heads. (Critical)
File: In an election year, the comp ruling Ra more resources (Profile)
seems to calve other: The younger brother Meeting (The Nation) raised
As it seems like a solution for local cable entrepreneur someone to finance local programming at no cost James Craik one has the first television channel to Municip Cordoba The city council approved the mayor's proposal to create Hugo Graieb Services Radio and Television Council. Television coverage will start from March, private cable signal people. (La Mañana de Córdoba)
The strategy of the dissident San Luis PJ Sat, the new dream media Rodriguez Saa Surrounded by artists, the governor launched a study puntano tevé (The Nation)
The newspaper 'Daily Mail' criticizes the local expansion of the BBC online because you think harms democracy. (El Mundo)
Cristina, pen and the word The President deepens his style of "direct communication", avoiding the awkward questions of journalism. Now he writes op-ed as part a renewed communication strategy. (Critical) gave Cristina
chair communication theory means According to the president are "monotonous" and repeated a "script" that someone writes in the shadows. Called the "intelligentsia" to contribute ideas. The speech came from Nestor. (Review) New
critical Cristina Kirchner said the media hiding interests, called for support (The Nation)
Hurt by the defeat, said Kirchner harshly against TN Clarín and took an act in the Greater Buenos Aires for questioning the newspaper Clarín and All News for coverage of the elections in Catamarca (Clarín)
Clarin rang loud and angry boss Blinded by Title central cover of the newspaper, the deputy said the paper ultrakirchnerista uses codes "gangsters and extortion ." Kunkel came to defend Nestor. (Critical)
Rudy Ulloa, entrepreneur and sidekick K, Nestor changed by Ermenegildo Zegna Ex - Driver (temporarily) out of favor. (Profile)
Rudy Ulloa Igor recharged after a four-month closure, the historic side of Kirchner returned to the fifth president. Behind an FM Buenos Aires, analyzes distributing a free newspaper in the province of Buenos Aires and are looking to venture into cable television. (Critical)
Morgado was paid 15 thousand dollars on national radio, despite being deputy . By changing the grid nearly stopped the block K. (Profile)
Alber to have an official Fernández Although his relationship with Kirchner is broken, do not quit as director of newsprint. I consult for the distribution of official advertising. (Critical)
failed attempt to assemble the Kadena 3 The ruling party wanted to buy the radio from Córdoba who assembled a chain of almost national scope, but not the third country radio as stated in the note. (Review) Report
signals interfere inside Grupo Clarín The "producer Artear" (Licensee company actually) reported that Channel 13, TN, Metro and back were the most affected ( The Nation)
worsens interference on Channel 13, NT and Ra Mitre gave (Clarín)
It repeated for a third day yesterday. There was condemnation and demands in Congress. The government said it would investigate. The attack resulted rejects and asks Congress to investigate and Mariotto: "It has to do with the debate over the Broadcasting Act" (Clarín) investigate the complaint
continued interference to Channel 13 and TN The Government said that through the CNC, "doing what is necessary to determine the origin" (The Nation)
interference to the channels of the group from Mexico A Bugler came the tequila effect The group maintains that the team that made the sabotage of the satellite signal is located in the Yucatan Peninsula. The multimedia denounced the episode with the Justice and Company spokespeople say they are suspicious of their competitors. (Critical) Intelsat
located the source of disturbance of Art: American Technical testing operator. To the dismay of the lovers of conspiracies, the company's researchers believe that the satellite signal failure Artear have been caused by a technical test conducted by an American operator. (Page 12)
Nestor put a fine on Clarín Secretary of Commerce fined the largest cable operators merged (Cablevision and Multichannel) in the middle of the fight with the Group. The two cable companies must pay 500 thousand dollars, the maximum penalty prescribed by the laws of supply and Fair Trading. The Commerce Department blamed for not providing information about price increases. (Critical)
intimate enemies: the truth about the relationship between Clarin and the government who most favored . The merger between Cablevision and Multichannel irregular, or taking 70% of the audience. The harassment of the prosecutor objected to signing. The domestic newsprint. (Critical)
running a test in the case of the director of Clarín. Reaffirmed a decision by the Justice as the newspaper itself. (Clarín)
A note that has a strong whiff of revenge: According to Clarín by lower circulation and advertising revenue lean Lanata resigned Critique of Argentina to go to channel Pierri (Clarín)
Then came the reply's own Jorge Lanata : Readers (Critical) The
multimedia made the Association of Photographers to rule repudiate the alteration of a historic photograph in the newspaper Crítica Depending on the version of Clarin.
The author of the picture: "That top I liked and moved" The cover of this newspaper praised the death of Raul Alfonsin sparked a controversy. The press release ARGRA and Victor Bugge, presidential photographer for 31 years. (Critical)
Clarín, Review By Jorge Fontevecchia (Profile)
Lanata away from the direction of Critical . Sources confirmed to the newspaper that the journalist announced his resignation from company employees, is due to differences with the majority shareholder (The Nation)
Jorge Lanata left yesterday to be the director of "Critical" (Profile)
Following the attack on the site Clarín Criticism of previous complaints reappeared. The 2 00 investigated for money laundering in Argentina (including Magnetto Clarin) A note signed by the Lanata. A "sorry" for JP Morgan in New York revealed how Argentine businessmen take the country's dollar. In the list of suspects are Magnetto (right in photo) Clarin Blaquier, Costantini, Bemberg and Cartellone. (Critical) And others seized following the school "Ramos." investigate money laundering managers Clarín (La Voz del Interior in Córdoba) (La Mañana de Córdoba)
An intemperate and violent assault. A director of Clarín assaulted a photographer Review. It was in a public garage. A note from Jorge Lanata. (Critical)
In this corner ... Critics vs . Clarín (Signs) Balance
a year of criticism . The very morning decided to celebrate giving readers a magazine "best tapas." Your editorial position to the national government, the style of editing the information and the "journalism of exposure", the changes that occurred both in journalism and in stock, items that managed to "set agenda" and "drag" the rest of the day. Clarin and his fight with self-reference. (Journal of Newspapers) Clarín
sales fell for the third consecutive year, The Nation has two periods in a row down . Newspaper sales in 2008 also suffered a loss on Sunday Profile first time since his re-editing. (Journal of Newspapers)
Jorge Lanata: "I took worse Kirchner that Menem ". Before debuting in the Maipo, say 50 and not expected to meet critical reading, and accepted the challenge because the cathedral of the magazine is like Columbus. Confesses that he is not afraid to fail, it anticipates a year of recession and lack of credit, and risk saying that if he would measure up today would be Macri, who does good management. (Profile)
File: Jorge Lanata. A chat with the controversial RS style journalist (Rolling Stone Argentina) Criticism and Profile
previously had referred several times over the appropriation for the children of Noble. Ordered
analysis DNA to see if the heirs of the owner of Clarín are missing children of (Profile)
Guadeloupe stated in the noble cause of Ernestina (Critical)
New data for the sake Noble A journalist stated that a witness lied. (Critical)
They provide revealing data on the trial that investigates the origin of the children of Ernestina Herrera de Noble lawyer and former journalist with Clarin, Paul Llonto said the cause of adoption of children by the director of multimedia (Profile)
Following a cover of Argentina's Review Letter from the Editor Jorge Fontevecchia Profile (Critical)
At war with Clarin, the Government decided to halt the merger of cables. At a time when the global crisis accelerates mergers of big media, asked Comfer Multicanal and Cablevision documentation to determine if they exceed the maximum number of licenses permitted by applicable law. Also put the magnifying glass to the operations of small cable companies who sold their companies. The political decision is taken, remains to be seen how, official sources said. The merger was approved when Nestor Kirchner was no longer president and get along with multimedia, which last year billed $ 5,700 million. The cable brings nearly 50% of their income. (Profile) Distribution and content
By Jorge Fontevecchia (Profile)
Paradox: Young K denounce cable monopoly house to house. Grouping the Cámpora leaflets against the control of pay TV. The weekend had been mobilized by the end of football encoded. (Critical)
already invested U.S. $ 360 million challenge to the Government Clarín, which treads the possibility of telephony in April SECOM has been under consideration for a record two months ago to see if the phone can give Cablevision interconnection their networks, so that the company's main media group to offer 'triple play'. The negotiations came as picketing ago Moyano media. (Profile)
Located in "Politics" instead of "Company" or "Entertainment" that are the sections which deal with issues of media. LV2 and the morning of Cordoba, with new owners These would be the group owner of the newspaper La Union, Lomas de Zamora. (La Voz del Interior)
CELS decriminalize defamation calls proposed relieve pressure and reduce the economic sanctions. (Critical)
"Press freedom has been overshadowed," said ADEPA harsh criticism of the Association of Argentine Journalism Entities (Clarín)
Breakthrough Moyano union over another guild the distributors of newspapers and magazines (Clarín)
Mass refusal of a guild to join the truckers the distributors of newspapers and magazines (Clarín)
The press accuses Argentina's political power 'overshadow' his freedom note to Cristina Fernandez and Nestor Kirchner. (El Mundo)
SIP Warning on press freedom in Argentina Conclusions of the 64 th Assembly of the Inter American Press Association (Clarín)
Persecution Pressure arbitrary confiscation the media (The Nation)
ADEPA complaint media pressure for fiscal persecution tax issues ncionales states that agencies failed to meet commitments. (Clarín)
reporters Support ADEPA text agreed on rejecting the discretionary allocation of government advertising and intimidation (The Nation) Critical
document / Alert media across the country charts "Journalism is seen as enemy ADEPA noted that press freedom in the country "has seriously deteriorated" and denounced pressures and constraints (The Nation) Business to journalists Communicate communicators Southern University released the results of research on the relationship of companies with media professionals. (La Voz del Interior)
photos to enlarge: Wisconsin radio girls The National Guard , graphics, photos Cristina and Nestor Kirchner watching TV and Jorge Lanata (Profile), teleport Artear (Clarín), others with Magnetto and Cristina Pagani, web capture, tops magazines and penguins K: files and appropriate.