Freedom of Press and Publicity Officer
is often downplay the issue or not if it were a real form of censorship, a coercive exercise on the media and journalists to ever less independent. From the "corporation" of communication in general, unions and professional associations, public and private universities, except for a couple of NGOs that have done some work in this direction in recent years. But outright censorship, only that something more masked or "subtle." Needless to talk about what this stage central that is the question for a democratic system and what it has meant in our history, conquest, paid even the lives of many journalists.
The complicity of those who by their silence endorse the actions of those who eventually spurious exercise some public and use public money as if it were their own must not be overlooked. So in this opportunity where they have gained greater visibility, although we must not ignore that this is just the tip of an iceberg, because the cases are multiplying everywhere and means of the deep interior of Argentina, which do not reach covers of major newspapers.
Throughout the history of Tierra Libre Digital , about to celebrate 18 years of proud independence, we have had several problems at this point, because we never received any government official schedule provincial (or radical or Peronist) and therefore suggest the Civic Front - New from the Front performance of municipalities and Salsipuedes or some attitudes of some of his references do not think that will change something in this kind of handling irregular and spurious if access to other instances besides those already handled or are handling so far.
I remember our long confrontation with the Neighborhood Union Salsipuedes (in government from 1983 to 2007) for this issue, but today is repeated with the Civic Front in power at that location, in addition to discriminate the state advertising Council has undertaken other attacks and threats, as well as of other parties given the remaining municipalities of the Sierras Chicas, as Agua de Oro, who holds the payments (like Salsipuedes) in recent years. At the time we released it and exposed the case in some institutions as Adepa and CISPR.
Unfortunate for them, which still seem to have changed as it claims a IndyMedia note, but a case of censorship in the SRT. By the way we advance what will be the next three installments of this series to continue cases of censorship in public and private resources, extension of business-official media and conclude with a discussion on the topic of the new broadcasting law. Will be for later specials and television advertising have been preparing.
But now let's review the high-profile cases that have been echoed by mainstream media through our print and web magazine for that matter. Attention, as always, is very revealing, for those who publish what and who look the other way among other things.
The official guidelines K increased nine times from 2003 to 2008 (Profile)
will handle the excess of government propaganda Massa reassigns 45 million pesos for advertising (Critical)
reassigned Massa was advertising money to clean up the Riachuelo . Nothing more than 45 million pesos (Profile)
of $ 46 million to 322 in just four years in advertising (The Nation)
Scioli spent on advertising over 600 thousand dollars per day in 2008 . Used to make the construction of the image a key factor, the Buenos Aires governor allocated more than 220 million dollars to political propaganda in its first full year of management. In this way it spends in this area more than 50 percent of which led the Government national, other administration concerned by the media. (Profile)
antigovernment by advertising. Agreed discretionary use (The Nation)
question the management of government advertising NGOs and opposition lawmakers speak of discretion and lack of transparency in a seminar at the Chamber of Deputies. (Clarín) with intolerance and targeted advertising in Exhibition on Argentina's situation in the assembly of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) - (Clarín)
Das Neves: "Ulloa put money in the media" and denounced "operations" in Chubut (The Nation)
Freedom of Press and Publicity Officer: censorship on the bench Magdalena Ruiz Guinazu, Nelson Castro, Pepe Eliaschev and Alfredo Leuco to discuss on the obstacles to the free exercise of journalism and and the recent court ruling in favor of Editorial Perfil. This is the result. (Profile)
The trial government advertising. Jorge Lanata said Joaquín Morales Solá and the judge confirmed the persecution of Profile and The Nation (Profile)
condemns the Government for discriminating the pattern criticizes the punishment of non-formal means. The court ordered an equitable distribution of advertising and newspaper Profile other publications of the same company within 15 days. (Review) Order provides
official notices Editorial Profile The ruling was based on Supreme Court jurisprudence (Clarín) Press Freedom
The Government should give official advertising Profile Justice compels him to include in the distribution notices, editorial publications (The Nation) Satisfaction
ruled in favor of a publishing company Adepa Media and SIP (Clarín)
The government appealed the ruling that ordered him ordering advertising Profile (Clarín )
A landmark ruling that stops discrimination in the pattern Officer La Sala IV as ordered Federal Administrative Executive Editorial Perfil involving the allocation of official advertising, arguing that the current situation poses a "grave injury to the democratic system." (Profile)
A Albistur eleven scheduled raids will Justice office seized documents related to the media secretary. Investigating him for "business inconsistent" with the charge in the case involving the allocation of government advertising. (Review).
Government advertising as censorship discrimination, abuse and lack of transparent criteria in the allocation of government advertising constitute unlawful restrictions of freedom of expression. (The Nation)
state pattern Handling of Córdoba Schiaretti knows how to please the media (Indirect Censorship - ADC)
Given the lack of response file an injunction against the government of Córdoba to disclose data on state guidelines GEOS Foundation filed an action under the provincial government to disclose how it spends its advertising budget. (Indirect Censorship - ADC)
national Senator Samuel Cabanchik (Civic Coalition) required you also add "a project of advertising" the Broadcasting Bill Time (South)
Resources and Downloads
Freedom of Expression in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (PDF Document)
PEN official advertising in the first half of 2008 (Report ADC - PDF)
How was the advertising of the National Government in 2007 (ADC Report - PDF)
A Subtle Censorship Report on abuse of government advertising and other forms of indirect censorship at the national level and in four provinces Argentina, including Córdoba. (ADC Report - PDF)
The Price of Silence Report prepared jointly by the ADC and the Initiative Pro Open Society Justice Initiative, which examines the abuses of government advertising and other forms of indirect censorship in seven Latin American countries. (PDF)
Basic Principles for the regulation of advertising , a document that contains a number of basic parameters recommendations and should follow a law on advertising. (PDF)
Related Press Freedom and the power relations. Disputes between groups
Photos Click to Enlarge : 1) Top News 2) Sergio Cornejo, mayor of Salsipuedes, 3) cover page 12, 4) daily of Argentina 5) Telam Agency, formerly the leading supplier of state advertising, Archive Tierra Libre Digital ,