Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Naughty Cake Ideas For Men

Portrait and sketch of John Henry White.

. Bitácora derivative and complementary to the WHITE TERTULIA
and From White Robert Blake, his brother, Enrique Uribe White and Maruja Vieira White
Portrait of grandfather, John Henry White
By Constanza Vieira Quijano,
White Special to the circle. May 5, 2008

Gilberto Vieira White spent a few years with John Henry White, in early childhood, before he moved to Manila White Vieira family, then consisting only of Joaquin Vieira Gaviria Uribe White Mercedes Vieira and he, by then, the couple's only child, born in Medellín in 1911.

From "British phlegm" Austere, so shy that seemed to be distant but was not, sensitive content, just, loving, pure in his stuff, loves his wife and given to his unit family, student reader and writer, jealous of his books and papers, designed to the community and at the same time with a few good friends, so many words, so, I once described my father, Gilberto Vieira, grandfather British John Henry White, who Castilianize your name and preferred to be called John Henry, the English retaining only the "H".

When I made that comment, Daddy was a widower and lived alone in our house chapineruna of the race 15 to 66 in Bogotá. Ran the first half of the 90. We were in his library. I did not take notes that day. You do not take notes of what, in everyday circumstances anyone tells him to man his own father.

But I smiled and thought, and I told him: that is the description of yourself. Dad never had one so vivid portrait of his grandfather, and I had never stopped to think how much influence he might have had on his grandson. Since then, I think it was crucial to their way of being and acting.
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By Bernardo González White
Medellín, March 21, 1999
Monument to John Henry White
From: begow ( )
Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 7:39:45 am
The photo was taken there in 1969 or 1970 one of my visits to my dad to Dabeiba where he practiced medicine in recent years. In the background the church. Was withdrawn for several years, possibly already relocated to new pedestal. I will go soon and I'll send updated photo. Regards, ---
few days ago, a columnist for El Mundo in an article on the town of Dabeiba , mentioned the "John Henry White College Break." I've never heard or read such a combination of names and this motivated me to dust off and refresh roles many details of the life and work of John Henry White Blake. In Dabeiba was created many years ago the Lyceum John Henry White and also in his honor, was built a long bust saw at an angle from the main square. Was withdrawn because of the redevelopment of the square and I'm not sure if it was reinstated in his place. I have understood that Dabeiba is the name of a deity Embera - Katío. The only "break", which sounds in English as a brake or bankruptcy, which had Don Juan Henrique, was the brake that set the traditional society of the time and philosophical ideas advanced, they were not programs of the "religious settlers" of the time. And the economic losses caused by defaults on State contracts.

"Courier Liberal" of September 24, 1925 published the text of the speech delivered by Engineer Francisco Rodríguez Moya, (his friend and colleague for many years) at the funeral of Don Juan Henrique, and begins with the following inscription : "A foreign-born Antioquia *.

Thomas White, boat builder, born in Broadstains, Isle of Thanet in Kent County, moved, (late XIV century) with his family and shipyards on the Isle of Wight, located in the Channel between England and France. Builders of large ships, especially for the British Navy, more than 400 years perfecting the industry that was present in America for the Chilean Navy ships in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Generations of sailors by vocation, profession, passion and heart.

White John Henry Blake was born in the town of Cowes, Isle of Wight, on 2 April 1846. At the age of 24 years, this young engineer who graduated from the University of Oxford, landed in the port of Buenaventura in the company of his mother, Louise Blake and his brothers Robert and Franklin. Would work for the government in the study of navigation on the Upper Cauca and Pacific Railroad. The political and administrative disorder del Cauca state and failure, motivated White to look for the state of Antioquia, attracted by the stability of his government and order prevailing in the State, large projects and rich gold. Nonetheless, they left the road drawn from Cali to Buenaventura.

Once installed in Antioquia, became John Henry White, Henry H preserving or simply "Mr. White" was known as far as their major projects came true. Among its many activities and their works include:
was the first Consul of Her Britannic Majesty in Medellin. He worked actively in the construction of bridges over the creek The Palencia, the turning Bermejal. In the administration of Dr. Peter Restreo Uribe planned the Buenos Aires neighborhood, "La Puerta English" entry and exit of Medellín in the east. With Dr. Marcelino Vélez began the great enterprise of "Road to the West." With enough knowledge about the region, linked to the "U.S. Commission of International Railway" that provided their services free. (There are theories that the route of Dabeiba and the exaggerated width of the streets due to his dream railroad to the sea.) In 1908 the General Ferrer, governor of the new Department of Antioquia (new territorial and political division) Don Juan Henrique appointed as CEO of ways ", a position he devoted his energies. Achieved direct communication between San Jeronimo and left Ebéjico and complete specifications for the bridge on "Dirty." As an engineer of the Fifth Zone traced the path between Urrao and El Carmen de Atrato, also must be quick and convenient communication between Frontinus and Urrao. He wrote many pamphlets and articles on the natural resources of the western region, on railways, roads, Indian reservations and everything represent wealth and welfare. Studies and unpublished papers left on geology. Directed the School of Arts, home of the Faculty of Engineering. In the administration of Mr. Recaredo Villa, worked as a consultant on the project Antioquia Railway and then followed step by step development. Raised levels of much of the territory of Chocó. Moya Rodriguez says the engineer: "He worked for over 10 years in the Department's road network, with unparalleled tenacity, and there I had to be his partner for most of that time and I could appreciate the true value of the capabilities of a brain full of data and generous plans, in the midst of plans, maps, brochures of roads and railways, of everything, in short, that was the design of a future Antioquia, to which he devoted all but completely all his great heart beat, until the day they were rulers who tried too much salary of $ 120 that we paid to each, and the old, having handed over to his adopted country two-thirds of his fruitful life, was taken to die without bitterness, forgotten in the middle of the town he helped create . Now he sleeps and will integrate with its dust the people he loved, while awaiting the righteous hand of posterity to write on a wide avenue, a cheerful place, either in a work progress, the letters of your clean name, because at least to that repairs are eligible, those who fight for others, as he struggled. "Out of the White

who arrived in Buenaventura in 1870, only remained in Colombia, John Henry and Robert, as Franklin and his mother returned to England soon as they are not adapted to the climatic conditions. John Henry married Miss Rita Uribe and Robert with Mrs. Graciela Uribe Uribe, two sisters who in turn were aunts of General Rafael Uribe Uribe.

In an article by the poet Maruja Vieira White, El Pais, Cali 1974, says: "When in 1954 he opened the road to the sea, only one child male "Don Juan Enrique", Gustavo, founder of Mutatá, was to witness the realization of what at first seemed like a utopia. But English and their children, at all costs, however, and out with unwavering determination, kept alive that project. Eight sons, all engineers, were killed one by one, some early, overwhelmed by the harsh climates of the areas explored, with the same anguish excited I thought impossible, inconclusive fever road, bridge, rail, road. All White inherited (Enrique, Gustavo, Alfredo, Jorge, Bernardo, Julian, Ernesto, William) the desire to build roads to unite, to communicate to men, to deliver its strength and its ability to everything that could open gaps in the current progress of the country. John Henry, founder of Dabeiba, was irrevocable - north of its destination - the salty breeze of the ports. Melting in the light of the same dream his love for the land that was theirs, and their longing for the distant homeland and made the road today with Turbo refers to Medellin, the mountains to the waves. "*
Governor Department
of Antioquia, issued Decree No 488 of 1962 in the first paragraph says: "The current November 11 Dabeiba celebrates the seventy-fifth anniversary of its erection as a municipality, enforced by Decree No. 1,020 of 1887 the Governor of Antioquia, Doctor and General Marcelino Velez, who gave life and legal foundation by Don Juan Henry White, the eminent gentleman who faithful to the principles of his race fought with the wild nature, organized the village and took root there in a way that he and his illustrious descendants are mixed completely with the history and geography of this lush area of \u200b\u200bAntioquia; ... "

Medellín, 21 March 1999 White
Memorial Bust
+ + +
From: begow ( )
Posted: Wednesday, March 19, 2008. 7:00:50 am
To: Dear fellow members TERTULIA
WHITE: Poem JHW José María Gaviria. From the data written on the back (just send it) seems a publication of 1933. President JUVENAL VÉLEZ council was the husband of Gabriela White. (This Easter I will focus on papers frisk had forgotten and are now good news to me. Blessed German!) Best wishes, begow.

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